This is when the first bulbs appear, replacing the winter-flowering shrubs now on the way out in Skåne, in southernmost Sweden. The park is filled with stillness, but in the ground things are slowly coming alive.
Sunshine and warmth bring out all the energy stored in tubers, bulbs and buds. The first wave of spring flowers on the ground and flowers appearing on bare branches quickly erase the memories of a long winter with a single stroke of the brush.
The spring flowers are at their peak. Blossoms in pink and white, cherry trees and magnolias. Later also rhododendrons, shrub peonies and one of the rarities of Norrviken: the handkerchief trees.
Rhododendrons and hydrangeas define their areas, whereas perennials and summer flowers are fighting for attention on the ground. Pleasure and beauty many times over.
The hydrangeas, though slightly faded, are still in bloom in the Water Garden, while summer flowers in profusion are a must in every park and garden. Read more
Now colours are changing into red and yellow and the apple harvest is in full swing. The Japanese anemones are gleaming white and the Actaea has finally decided to burst into blossom.
During your winter walks when the frost has taken a grip you may come across our brave winter-flowering plants: the witch hazel with its sun-yellow flowers and the pink, scented flowers of Viburnum farreri, often called fragrant viburnum. The snowdrops are beginning to sprout in flowerbeds, on paths and in ravines when spring is approaching.