Just behind Villa Abelin you will find our beehives. Here thousands of honeybees live in beautifully crafted beehives, gathered round a gazebo. The beehives are kept by a beekeepers’ association, Biföreningen Lilla Båstad. With the assistance of the busy bees Norrviken’s own honey is produced here.
Norrviken’s honey is organic and a natural product that in many ways contributes to sustainable development. Norrviken’s honey is delicious, made with heart and soul, which makes the honey a wonderfully flavoured top product.
We give companies a unique chance to be a part of the process of conserving and developing bee colonies in natural areas, by renting a beehive at Norrviken. We guarantee 25 kg of newly extracted honey poured into 100 jars of 250 g each marked with your own labels.